Put the finishing touches to my Ironclad yesterday, and here he is.
The plan is to use him in a drop pod to land on the first turn and either cause some havoc with the heavy flamer or meltagun, or to pop smoke and hope he lives in enough to do the same and assault next turn. It all depends on the situation and enemy I find my self up against.
In the games I have played with him thus far (unpainted, so maybe a touch of colour will spur some life in to him) he has had mixed results. Some times he lands, smashes the pants off loads of stuff and generally causes a lot of problems until his inevitable demise, which keeps the enemy attention away from the tanks with dudes inside speeding over the board. But other times, whether it be from a lucky lascannon shot or bad placement he just gets brutalised and left to smoulder before doing much. There rarely seems to be much middle ground.
So will be interesting to see how he fairs at the Planetary Empires weekend and in the up coming tournament at Hulls Angels. Although that said I am still unsure if I want to take him to the HA tourney or not... hmm.