Drop pod and Predator

At last, an update.
I have been throwing as much time as possible at my models over the last few weeks and have managed to get a fair bit done, and have now found the time to photograph some of it.
I have finished another Razorback/Rhino, bringing me to the three I need for now.
And I have finished off the power fist sergeant for my 3rd Tactical squad as well as the remaining heavy weapon choices for the tactical marines.

As I have photographed most of the above models before I though I would upload some photos of things I haven't painted until now.

Firstly the Predator. I made this model about 2 years ago but never got round to painting it, being so unknowing back then I glued in all the hatches and such so cant add and remove storm bolters/hunter killers etc with any ease like with my more recently built tanks. I did however have the foresight to make both turret options for it; although admittedly I rarely choose to use the Autocannon option unless against a lot of lightly armoured vehicles/Monstrous creatures.
Twin-linked Lascannon turret.

Atuocannon turret.

Rear hatch. I bought the forge word Ultramarine transfer sheets and couldn't be happier with the options it gives me. 

I opted to paint certain panels grey, partly due to going crazy painting flat blue (painting 5 rhino hulls in a row can do that to you) and partly due to wanting my Predators in the army to stand out against the transports and artillery tanks.
I am fairly happy with the end result, although do intend to put together my next predator a little better.

Drop Pod
Gone for a fairly straight forward paint job on my Drop Pod, painted it all clean and then went at it with washes and weathering powders to make it look suitably charred from rapid atmospheric entry.
I haven't built it with the harnesses as it is basically going to be used to deliver an Ironclad or if called for a ranged set-up Venerable dreadnought to the fight, which are a little big for those tiny seatbelts.
Closed pod, tried to add scorching where I think it would be from the high levels of friction on entry. Basically missing the top part of the panels due to aerodynamics.

Opened pod, fairly happy with the interior, even with out the detail off the harnesses to add some flair.

Let me know what you think, as always criticism and advice is greatly appreciated to help me improve at what I love doing.

Thanks for reading.