Had my self a battle against Matt's Eldar, and then a battle against Josh' Chaos Marines (that he switched to from Grey Knights) last night.
Came out with a loss and a win. Lost to the Eldar and won against the Chaos Marines.
Game one was against the Eldar, Matt took; a full squad of Dire Avengers, a small squad of Fire Dragons, a kitted out Falcon, an Autarch and some Pathfinders.
After Matt having a huge rant at how pants his Falcon is he then proceeded to butcher my entire army with it, and the fire dragons unit contained with-in (mainly the Falcon though).
So well played to him, ended up being 6 Kill points to Matt, 4 to me. Had a really good time in the battle, might have lost, but I learnt a lot about what to go for against Eldar, namely not the skimmer tank that seems to be a hologram....
Thanks for a great game Matt (as always).
Second game was against Josh and his Chaos Marines...and all I can say to it is 'LOL'. A mix of nothing went their way and some daft moves resulted in utter death.
He took a Daemon prince, two Chaos marine squads (one melee and one range), an obliterator and a Defiler.
In the end I had lost 6 Assault Marines and 2 Tactical marines, he had lost everything. Giving me a victory with 5 kill points to 0.