Well I put the finishing touches on my Razorback to complete the painting for my 750pts Tale of many Planets list.
The list is as follows:
* Chaplain with jump pack and melta bombs. - 120
* 10 man Tactical marine squad with flamer and missile launcher. - 170
* 5 man Tactical marine squad. - 90
* Razorback - 40
* 9 man Assault squad with flamer and power fist. - 207
* Vindicator with dozer blade. - 120
Cutting it fine on the painting I know, but for some reason it didn't register with me how close we were to the next round until it was a bit late and I found my self on a tight schedule. Managed to power through with out rushing too much and I'm fairly happy with the result. Will just need to remember to get on with it sooner for next round.
Will have pictures up of the Razorback and the whole 750pts army on Friday hopefully; just need to find the time, and the natural lighting to do take them (the weather has been dark and miserable).
Also I have more or less decided what I will be taking all the way up to the 1750pts mark. So will be updating my roster tab and posting here over the next few days.