Well the slog to paint just tanks, with a break of 5 tactical marines has kind of taken the wind out of my sails.
Got through the Vindicator and the Whirlwind, and one of my Razorbacks but now find my self avoiding painting the final Razorback by any means possible.
I have occupied the time I should have been spending on the Razorback by building and under coating all the Terminators I need for the Tale of many Planets, building and under coating the conversion Captain for the Tale of many Planets (more on him at a later date, likely when he's finished), and have made a start on all of their bases. All this despite not needing any of them for at least a month and a half.
I did make my self paint the turret for the second Razorback, and the removable panels and hatches, but the main tank remains under coated and detail-less. I also painted the Lascannon turret that I need in not too long.
I suppose this is the issue with having to paint what I need for the campaign. Whilst it gets me painting, some times not being able to paint what I want, but rather what I have to, can be challenging from a motivation stand point.
Only have this damn Razorback, 5 Assault Terminators, 1 Terminator Captain and 2 Tactical Sergeants to paint. And then I need to buy, build and paint a Land Raider Crusader, which will be started in next month once I have all the parts from GW and Forge World.
Will have some pictures of the progress I have made once I have finished the transport, which will include the 1000pts TomP army complete and ready to go.
Thanks for reading.