Well I took my 500points TomP force down to Hulls Angels last night to try and win my self some nodes.
All in all it went rather well.
Had three games in total and came out with 2 victories and a draw.
All games were pitched deployment with kill point victory conditions.
The force I took was as follows:
- 10 man Tactical squad with Flamer and Missile Launcher
- 9 man Assault squad with Powerfist and Flamer
- Vindicator with a dozer blade
Game One
Opponent: Matt
Opponents Force: Eldar
Result: Ultramarine win, Matt conceded defeat on turn 3.
Matt had:
- Autarch
- Dire Avenger squad
- Falcon
The board was basically completely covered with city ruins, a lot with no windows.
We used a 4x4 section of a 6x4 board.
I won the roll off and decided to let Matt set up and go first. He hid the Avengers in a ruin where they couldn’t see me and I couldn’t see them. The Autarch and the Falcon deploying to the side of this still fairly hidden.
I deployed across the board with my Tactical marines on a ruins roof with the best firing line I could manage, the Vindicator in the street to the side of them and the Assault marines next to that.
In turn one Matt moved up to try and flank my Assault marines with the Falcon and the Autarch, he did a damn good job of keeping them out of site, the Avengers didn’t move.
I moved the Assault marines in to intercept the Falcon and wheeled the vindicator round a little bit waiting to see what the Autarch was going to do.
In turn two Matt moved up further with the Falcon and jumped the Autarch to the middle of the board behind a big wall, the Avengers didn’t move again.
The Falcon then shot at my Assault marines with all guns and killed one.
I then moved my Assault marines in to range for an assault and turned my Vindicator to face where the Autarch was hiding ready to deal with her should she be silly enough to present her face to my rather large cannon.
The Assault marines assaulted the Falcon with Powerfist and Krak grenades. This resulted in the vehicle being immobilised.
In turn three Matt presented his Autarch’s face to the Vindicator’s rather large cannon, how silly, and fired her Melta equivalent (I forget its name), this immobilised the tank. The Falcon was classed as locked in combat due to being immobilised and as such didn’t shoot.
The Avengers again did nothing.
Luckily for me I had already turned my Vindicator in preparation last turn so despite being immobilised it could still shoot the Autarch. I of course did this and caused instant death on the pointy eared feather lover. =D
The Assault marines then beat down on the Falcon in the assault phase destroying all it of its guns and leaving it fairly useless.
At the end of this turn Matt accepted the loss and conceded.
All in all a fun game that introduced me to the joys of playing against Eldar. I am not how ever looking forward to playing him in the larger point battles as they just get more and more brutal the more points they have to play with.
Game Two
Opponent: James
Opponents Force: Imperial Guard
Result: Ultramarine win, 5 kill points to me 1 kill point to James.
James had:
- Command squad
- Infantry Platoon with Command squad, 30 guards with a few meltaguns, a flamer and Vox casters, and two heavy weapon squads; one with Autocannons and one with Lascannons.
Same battle field as the one I played against Matt on, only we used the other side of the board for the 4x4 section which meant slightly less clutter as there was a nice street like area stretching from his deployment zone to mine.
James won the roll off and set up and went first.
James set up his Lascannons on the top of a building with a nice view of the entire clear road area and also a commanding view of the buildings at the edge of the road and their roofs. The Autocannons were set up by James’ board edge over looking the little space there was in the ruins next to the road.
The guard squads were placed pretty much right along his board edge with the platoon command squad in there too. The Company command was next to the Lascannons with all their scary orders.
I set up WELL away from the Lascannon guarded road area, with the Vindicator behind a wall to give no LOS for the Lascannons but still space to move. The Tactical squad was split in to combat squads with the Flamer and Sergeant in one and the Missile launcher in the other.
The Missile launcher squad was placed on the roof of a ruin where they could see the Autocannons and the Flamer squad was put behind the Vindicator to use it as a shield for an advance.
The Assault marines were placed in front of the ruin the Missile launcher squad was on.
The first few turns saw not much happen, the Assault marines pushed forward toward the Autocannon emplacement with a squad of Guard in front of them and those same Guard moved forward towards the Assault marines.
The Vindicator moved to poke its cannon through a window over looking the road to blast the Guard squads that were pottering around, with the Flamer squad just behind.
The Assault squad then proceeded to crush the Guard squad in front of them and moved round the corner down an alley to find the other Guardsmen squads.
The Guard turned to Flamer and ‘First rank fire, Second rank fire’ the Assault squad killing 4 of them, but they held firm under the onslaught.
The next few turns saw the Missile Launcher squad take out an Autocannon with a Krak missile and Autocannons kill off a few of the Missile launcher squad. It was basically a long range fight over the roof tops.
The Vindicator turned a few more guard in to red mist before exploding in a Lascannon induced fireball taking one of the Flamer marine squad with it.
The Assault marines jumped clean over the few surviving guard that milled around in front of them and assaulted the main command squad that was with the Lascannons killing them all rather well, including the teacup wielding Fredrick.
They then turned on the Lascannons and destroyed them also.
I then shot the remaining Guard squad with the remnants of my Flamer Combat squad finishing up the game.
Ended up with me having 5 kill points and James having 1.
Really enjoyed the game and it should be highly amusing playing against this guy in the bigger point games when there are EVEN MORE men walking around and more tanks to play with!
Game Three
Opponent: Gonzo
Opponents Force: Chaos Space Marines
Result: Draw 1 Kill point each.
Gonzo had:
- Thousand Sons squad with sorcerer
- Noise marines with blast master
This game was played on a much more open board than the last two, with two large ruins, one at either side of the board, two small ruins off to one side, and then a few walls and a large flat bit of area terrain.
Gonzo setup and went first, placing his noise marines in the large ruin in his deployment zone and the Thousand Son’s off to the side of it.
I set up my Tactical marines in the large ruin in my deployment zone, the Assault marines next to that and the Vindicator between the two small ruins off to the side.
Turn one saw Gonzo move forward with the Thousand Sons and the Noise marines try and shoot but finding nothing in range.
I moved my Vindicator forward and started to blast the Thousand Sons killing a meagre 1 and also moved my Assault marines forward a bit.
Turn two saw the Thousand Sons shoot one of my Assault marines in the face killing him and the noise marines taking a pop at the Vindicator with their one strength 8 blast weapon. It scattered and only bits of dirt and shrapnel clanked on the side of the tank.
I moved the Vindicator forward a bit more and blasted the Thousand Sons again resulting in a much more respectable 3 kills. I then moved the Assault marines behind the area terrain to try and provide some cover from the Thousand Sons and to try and flank. The Tactical marines, tried to shoot the noise marines but found only the missile launcher in range, they shot a Krak missile which appeared to be flying true but sadly impacted the building before having a chance to silence one of their noisy foes.
Turn three brought the Thousand Sons closer still and allowed them to end the life of three of my Assault marines. The noise marines fired at the Vindicator again, the shell hitting home but not having the force to break through the thick front armour.
I moved the Vindicator in closer still and fired at the noise marines this time, killing only one. The Assault marines moved forward and fired at the Thousand Sons with pistols, killing only 1. The Tactical marines moved out of the building in order to get more units in to range of something.
In the assault phase my Assault marines charged the Thousand Sons, they cut down all but 3 of their foe leaving two of the normal squad and the sorcerer with force sword. The retaliation saw me left with only my Sergeant.
Turn 4 saw the noise marines shoot the tank again but missed and the Thousand Sons were in combat with the Assault marines still.
I blasted some more noise marines with the Vindicator leaving 3 left who decided it was a good idea to run away, also my Tactical marines moved forward some more.
The assault phases in turn 4 brought an end to the combat. The Thousand Sons won with the sorcerer and a bolter marine intact and the Assault marines all dead providing a kill point for Gonzo.
In turn 5 I drew level by killing off the remaining Thousand Sons with the Tactical marines who were now in range sat in the middle of the board.
The noise marines rallied, then got two more of their squad demolished but held their ground.
In turn 6 the remaining noise marine legged it in to the large ruin again and hid out of site of my Tactical marines denying me a shot with them. The vindicator had a pop but the shot scattered and missed.
The game ended at this point which left us on 1 kill point each, so close to a win for me but well played to Gonzo for keeping that last noisy son of a daemon alive!
Really enjoyed this game, it is always a challenge playing against chaos, but its always fun as well. Gonzo is a great guy to play against and I look forward to fighting him some more. And considering his main node is very near mine on the map I am sure the opportunity will arise! *grins*
The end result was me capturing two nodes; I chose to take nodes 4 and 14 which were both un-occupied at the moment expanding my realm to 3 nodes for now. Well that is unless some one else wasn’t to capture those nodes and challenge me… I will find that out shortly.